Over 700 million people (10% of the world’s population) live in extreme poverty. They are struggling to have their most basic needs met, such as health, education, access to clean water, sanitation and electricity to name a few. Poor nutrition causes half of the deaths in children under five, that is over 3 million children each year. Most of this poverty is in the sub-Saharan African counties, India and other Southern Asian countries.

According to the same study by the World Bank, while India is a developing country with a rapidly growing economy, it is also ranked as one of the top 5 countries in the world with extreme poverty, with over 200 million people living with $1.25 or less for a day.

Some of us have to see such poverty to realize how we are blessed and what we take for granted in the first world countries. Sometimes we have to immerse ourselves into a culture where such poverty is a part of everyone’s daily life. A few days in India will give you a life changing experience and a brand new zeal to appreciate God, family, friends and the environment we are in. In the midst of total poverty you will be surprised to see the joy on the faces of the poor.

Service to the poor is a unique experience in Calcutta. Besides encountering Christ in the poor, you also get to mingle with people from all over the world under one roof. It is a rare opportunity to share your culture and learn from so many others. It is very enjoyable to learn how different we all are from the outside yet how similar we are deep within.

Join us this year or next, to embark on an amazing adventure. If you don’t have much time, serve the poorest of the poor and learn the legacy of Mother Teresa in Calcutta just in 9 days.

If you have a few more days, you can enjoy the once in a lifetime opportunity of walking in the footsteps of 3 major saints. What are you waiting for?! Sign up to immerse yourself in the Indian culture by visiting the historical monuments such as Taj Mahal, riding elephants into royal palaces, relaxing on a houseboat for a retreat, as well as the breathing in the beautiful country side.